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Resources for Residents of the 29th


The current health pandemic and economic crisis are unprecedented. Many of our families are in pain, and those who can least afford it are taking the biggest hit. This list was curated with the workers, businesses, tenants, and vulnerable community members of the 29th in mind. Other comprehensive lists can be found at: 



Please reach out to me if you have any questions regarding any of the resources listed here, or if you have additional resources you would like to see posted. We are in this together.


With love,



Health coverage and testing


If you have any questions regarding COVID-19, please contact the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) call center at 1-800-525-0127. The call center is open every day from 6 a.m. – 10 p.m. For the latest resources and updates on COVID-19, visit DOH’s website. For specific information on testing, visit here.


The Office of Insurance Commissioner (OIC) has directed Washington health insurers to waive deductibles and copays for coronavirus testing. If you do not have health insurance and need to get covered, the OIC is has opened a special enrollment period through April 8, 2020.



Employer and Employee Assistance


For an up-to-date list of financial resources for workers and employers visit Gov. Jay Inslee’s webpage. This website includes information on financial assistance, export assistance, employer/worker assistance, and insurance assistance. The Washington State Employment Securities Department webpage can provide unemployment benefits and answer questions about coverage under the Paid Family and Medical Leave program. Additional resources can be found at



Reporting incidents of hate crime and speech


Hate speech and physical attacks against Asian-Americans has surged in the United States. This is unacceptable, and these abhorrent actions are inexcusable. For resources on reporting, please visit the website of the Washington State Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs. You can also file a civil rights complaint with the Office of the Attorney General.



Domestic Violence + Mental Health Assistance


Unfortunately, home is not a safe place for everyone. Community members stuck at home in an abusive and unsafe situation.The Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence has put together a comprehensive list of resources available for those victims of domestic abuse during COVID. 





Every member of our community deserves to be cared at all times, regardless of COVID-19. Unfortunately not all the resources provided here serve everyone. You can find resources available for immigrants below.




Tenants’ Rights


Ensuring residents are able to keep their homes is critical. A comprehensive list of Pierce County resources developed by non-profit Washington CAN can be found below.



Pierce County Resources:


Pierce County DSHS Community Services Offices (877) 501-2233

Program offers numerous financial assistance programs, including one known as Emergency Assistance.


Eatonville Family Agency (360) 832-6805

Program may have limited cash aid in an emergency. Funding is limited. Money can pay for housing, energy, rent or mortgage assistance. Can only apply for rent help on the third Tuesday of every month.


Community Action Programs – Pierce County Community Services (866) 223-1359

Provides financial assistance, including housing, to low-income Pierce County residents. 


Metropolitan Development Council (253) 597-6728

Program offers low-income housing and rent help for low-income families and individuals. Other assistance may include help with childcare for families experiencing homelessness, loans to pay rent as part of eviction prevention, funds for utility bills, or family counseling.


Our Lady Queen of Heaven (253) 537-5266

Program is part of Saint Vincent de Paul, is a charity in the Tacoma, Washington area that assists Pierce County residents with rent, utilities, bus tickets, and gas. 


Tacoma Assistance Human Rights and Human Services Department (253) 682-3401

Program is a Centralized Intake Program for all Housing Related Services.


Tacoma Housing Authority (253) 207-4400

They operate low-income housing programs, provide section 8 HUD vouchers as well as other services. Section 8 from HUD is the main government rental and low-income housing program. Referrals are also given to homeless prevention, job, budget, and debt programs.


Helping Hand House (253) 682-3401.

Program offers assistance to families with children offering limited financial assistance for paying monthly rent or back rent to families with children in Pierce County. You need to have an eviction notice to apply.


Pierce County Veterans Bureau (253) 798-7449

Program offers various forms of help to low-income and homeless veterans in Pierce County. Find help with rent, utility and heating bills and food assistance.


St. Frances Cabrini Church (253) 655-7837

Program covers the parish of zip codes 98499, 98439 and Joint Base Lewis McChord. Up to $100 may be paid out for rent or other bills. Clients range from single moms to the working poor, seniors, and vulnerable. 


Saint Martin of Tours (253) 970-9037

Program runs a multitude of housing and rental programs. Also access landlord and tenant dispute resolution.


Lakewood Area Shelter Association (253) 682-3401

May offer rental, energy, and food assistance to Lakewood Washington Area residents.


Homeless Prevention Programs  (206) 694-6767

Program offers referrals to rent help to prevent an eviction.

Register to Vote

In Washington, you can register to vote up until 7:00 p.m. on Election Day. 

Paid For By People for Sharlett Mena (D)

PO Box 7437, Tacoma, WA, 98417

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